Friday 9 May 2014

On to the Next RUN!

5:55 am – I’m awake as a lark, with the sun shining through I was looking forward to getting out in the fresh air and stretching my legs, with an easy 5K to start my day. I got dressed, headphones in and headed out the door. It had rained a little bit over night, so the ground was a little damp, but I wasn't too worried as the majority of my route is on pavement. So I warm up with a brisk walk to the start point of my 5K route and started running.

This is where is all went wrong, it started getting a windier and rain was spitting down a little – my first thought was nice, when I get really into the run, the rain will be welcoming and cooling and this wind is fresher than any air conditioning unit. As the run progressed I started getting wetter and colder, and felt like I was just dragging my body through the empty streets of Oxford. I powered through, because I’m determined not to give up easily, but it was tough. When I got back home, I felt disappointed with my run and my immediate thoughts were I best go for another run this evening, to make sure my running mojo is back, and to fall back in love with running after our temporary fall out this morning.

Whilst pondering life in the shower, I was shocked and impressed at myself. The old me would have probably given up running after than run, and not be planning my next one.  I’m not sure if because during the last few weeks my attitude to facing challenges has changed, or the fact that I have signed up for the half marathon and told people about it, so I have to deliver. I’d like it to be the change in attitude, but I fear the latter is my biggest push.

I’m going to put this run down to bad weather fueling a bad attitude,  producing a bad run. But a bad run is still better than no run, and that for me is a victory within itself.

So as Jay-Z Personal Trainers says…on to the next RUN!

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