Monday 21 April 2014

New Goal Post

This is a Goal Post,
and also a little bit of an excuse to rub in that
 my team are probably going to win the league.

It's the Easter Bank Holiday Monday, I've had such a lovely 3 days off so far. I've spent time with family from near and far, spent time with my best friend who I don't get to see too often and caught up with some very special friends from uni. 

With all that happiness and socializing I've kind of let the healthy life choices slip by - I have been for runs and power walks, but I haven't been great at keeping up my water intake and I've not been very clean with my eating. So from tomorrow it's time to get back on track, and I currently feel a little bit like this..

I wouldn't say I'm very religious, but I am Catholic, and even though I don't follow the 'rules' very closely, one rule I seem to follow every year is giving something up for lent. This year I gave up chocolate, bread, pasta and white rice - partly as a sacrifice as I love sugar and carbs, partly on my way to getting the clean eating as more of my day to day routine, and it worked. Lent kept me on track till Easter Sunday - it was my goal day to work too and I stuck to it, I'm not great at sticking to things but when I let everyone know I've committed to something, I generally stick to it.

So the next goal date is Friday 23rd May (this is the Friday of the second bank holiday in May). This gives me 32 days or 4 weeks 3 days to introduce new habits into my routine.

So what do the next 4 weeks have in store for me? 
  • I'll be getting back to bread, pasta and rice - but keeping everything brown and wholewheat from now on. White carbs are OK in small quantities, but generally contain a lot of sugar, leaving my feeling lethargic and hungover, so brown is best for me. 
  • 5 workouts a week, 3 early morning gym workouts and 2 outdoor runs a week - with no excuses, I will find time for it no matter what. This is all part of my half marathon training (post to follow on that shortly).
  • Cutting back on caffeine and drinking more green tea, in a bid to be more naturally energised and not relying on coffee and tea to fuel my day.
  • Early nights - to keep myself energised, help my muscles recover and just feel rested I need to get to bed by 10pm every night. Going to bed at 11:30 / 12:00 and waking up at 5:50 seemed to really take its toll on my last week. 
  • I'll also be keeping up my 3 litres  a day water intake, cutting back on sweets and chocolates, (if I have a craving I'll be reaching for a piece of dark chocolate) and generally keeping it healthy and clean.
I'll keep you updated with how these new habits are going through the next four weeks :).

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