Thursday 2 January 2014

How the festive season helped me overcome my depressive spot

I have down days, just like everyone else – but since I came back from Holiday in November every day for a long time seemed to be a down day, things were looking bleak. I’m not an expert but I was showing all the signs for depression, maybe it was SAD, who knows? I was seeing the negative in everything and not looking forward to tomorrow. Life seems to be drowning me in negativity and it hurt.  I always like to work towards goals, usually it’s holidays etc. and every goal just seemed so far away and out of reach.

As I said I’d have down days before, but not like this – not for such long periods of time either, I was struggling to cope. Going to the gym and exercising it out seemed to be the only way for temporary release as the endorphin high made me feel normal again, but once it wore off I was back to my dark self.

Then the 24th December came, and I left work that afternoon and headed to my family to go celebrate, knowing it was going to be a quieter Christmas than I’ve experience before and frankly just seeing every single negative aspects of Christmas (now I’m feeling better I can’t think of any Christmas negativity). I arrived to two very excited parents, who even in their 50s were looking forward to Christmas with the same excitement of a 5 year old – not for the presents but spending time with the people we love. The people we can be ourselves with, the people who will forgive us no matter what happens, the people who will love unconditionally. I’m luckily enough to call these people my family. We might not agree all the time about certain matters (in fact we rarely do), but there is something warm, comforting and lovely being with these people.  After a cup of tea and a mince pie with my very excited festive parents I immediately felt better and enjoy a very  lovely festive season – coming out of it looking forward to what 2014 with my usual super enthusiastic, optimistic self.

A little Festive therapy went a long way in improving my mood and making me realise that I have sooooooooooooo much in the world to be grateful for.

Happy New Year all.

Moo and I getting into the Festive Cheer 

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